6 Required Furniture Pieces to Set Up a Garment Business-min

Are you starting a new garment business? Well, setting up a garment business requires adequate knowledge regarding the furniture pieces that are necessary for it to function productively. The right furniture helps in the efficient and effective workflow. Whether you are thinking of establishing a full-scale garment manufacturing unit, boutique, or a tailoring shop, adding right furniture enhances the work environment and increases productivity.

Six Essential Furniture Pieces to Set Up a Successful Garment Business

Here are the six necessary furniture pieces which you must add to your garment business set up for improving productivity.

1. Cutting Tables

A cutting table is one of the important furniture pieces in a garment business. It is known for providing a spacious surface for laying out fabrics, measuring them and cutting them. A cutting table must be waist-high to prevent any back strain and large enough for easy rolling of fabrics.

The cutting table must be made up of durable material such as metal or laminated wood so that these are easy to maintain. Cutting tables also come with drawers and shelves for storing scissors, fabric rolls and tapes.

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2. Sewing Machine Tables

A sewing machine table is need for placement of a sewing machine. The right table provides efficiency, comfort, and stability for stitching garments. These tables must be sturdy so that they can easily handle heavy-duty sewing machines without vibrating. The height of the tables must allow the operators to sit and use them comfortably for longer duration.

The sewing machine table are constructed using material such as metal or reinforced wood to support industrial sewing machines. There are sewing machine tables which come with built-in drawers to store needles, threads, and other sewing accessories.

3. Fabric Storage Racks

There is a need in garment business for fabric storage racks for storing all the necessary material. Proper fabric storage racks are essential for keeping all the material well-organized. These storage units are required for safety of the fabric and streamline production. The fabric racks allow easy storage and categorization of different fabric colors, textures, and types.

These are mainly used for accommodating fabric rolls of different sizes. These racks come with enclosed compartments and covers. Open shelves make the fabric locating easier and helps in quick fabric retrieval. The proper fabric storage reduces waste, prevents fabric wrinkles and helps in saving time during the material selection for production.

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4. Workstations for Pattern Making & Designing

A dedicated workstation for designing and pattern making is important for garment businesses that need customized tailoring. These workstations provide a spacious area for drafting, adjusting patterns, and sketching. It also offers enough space for spreading out rulers, patterns, and design papers.

The adequate lighting or built-in lamps provide clear visibility during working hours. There are storage drawers that are used for keeping scissors, tracing papers, rulers, and markers. A fine pattern making and designing workstation allows designers to focus and work well by reducing the design errors.

5. Ironing & Pressing Stations

Ironing and pressing stations are needed after the garments get stitched. These stations are used for ironing and pressing the garment to give them a crisp and professional appearance. Having a proper station for pressing helps in ensuring that the final products are of high-quality.

Ensure that the table is capable of withstanding high temperatures from industrial steam irons. These table must have adjustable height so that it can suit different types of workers and prevent strain. There must be integrated storage space for storing starch, extra irons, and pressing cloths.

6. Display Racks & Mannequins

If your garment business comprises of retailing then you will need displaying racks and mannequins for showcasing clothes professionally. These furniture pieces attract customers and help them in visualizing garments practically.

There must be adjustable racks for displaying different types of clothing such as dresses, pants, and shirts. Rotating mannequins can be used which provide a 360-degree view of garments.

Setting up a garment business requires all the above furniture pieces for efficient and effective production. Ensure that you purchase all this furniture from a reputed furniture manufacturer company in India such as Haus Luxuriant. It is known for providing the best furniture for garment business at reasonable costs. The furniture is durable and best for handling long hours of working. So, if you are planning on to starting a garment business, visit the store now!

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